Help contacting S&P Brisley
Thank you for the opportunity to repair your vehicle at S&P Brisley Ltd. We are sorry that you were involved in an incident that resulted in damage to your vehicle. However, we hope we have made your repair journey as smoothly as possible.
Now your repairs are complete you may be selected for a customer survey. We hope that our standard of service is reflected within the survey with exceptional scores. We pride ourselves on providing the best possible levels of service and repairs, however, should you have any issue with the repair of your vehicle please contact our manager directly to discuss:
Gemma Simpson – 01303 253126 or email
So how did we do?
You will be contacted by a 3rd party company via text to collect your feedback on how we have done. Whilst we appreciate all the 8 out of 10s that we receive, it’s the 9s and 10s which count for us, so we are kindly asking that if you are happy with the service received by us, please rate us as highly as you can!
- Please note that the scores and feedback is only for us at S&P Brisley Ltd, and not for the claims department or any hire companies.
- Any comments or feedback in reference to their services will need to be directed to them.
- We really do value your feedback so please take this opportunity to let us know how we have done.
Thank you for using S&P Brisley Ltd.
Gemma Simpson